My new Hobby!!

Most people who know me know I love music and dancing.I had lots of photos taken at various venues languishing on my computer so I had a brainwave,I would try to put music to them for Facebook.The first attempts were hard going, Picasa skipped on some of the music tracks when uploading but now I have discovered Windows live media! I put photos to this track about Cork City, where I live. Cork has just been named one of the top ten cities to visit in the Lonely Planet Guide.The music is provided by a friend of mine, Finbar Dennehy who is a musician, for anyone who is interested the red accordion he is playing was once owned and played by the grand old man of Scottish music Sir Jimmy Shand.
All of them are on Youtube and can be viewed by typing in Finbar Dennehy music.More from peg1949 is on the sidebar on youtube and the other videos can be viewed there.Something to do in the long winter nights!


did i recognise some photos there or were we in the same places??????very well done you will have to give us lessons maybe form a class?
i was just thinking if dad thought he would be on youtube someday when he was posing for that photo on patrick st.! maybe the lonely planet guide might be interested now that they think we are worth visiting!kathleen
Peggy said…
There are lots of pics from you and some from Tom in there.I thought of the Lonely Planet guide when I was in bed last night I must edit and put it in now.
Ann said…
That's very clever Peggy, loved 'visiting' Cork,
Wonderful photo slideshow of Cork City! And I enjoyed the music so much! When our tour bus went through Cork it was raining pretty hard and we could see so little. I was sorry we missed out. What a lovely way to enjoy your city, Peggy! Thanks so much! I know you will enjoy this new hobby of yours! What fun!

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