Sweetcorn & Salads

Another photo to compare to the header pic, taken from roughly the same angle!there are now 4 raised beds completed and in use plus the potato section and the polytunnel.
 Son Billy made the bed for the sweetcorn on Sat morning and filled with compost. I have discovered an organic local compost supplier, our local City Council !`I took my own bags and you fill yourself and pay €2 per bag. It is composted completely from green waste brought to the recycling centre, still affectionately known as 'The Dump' on the outskirts of the city.
 I topped it up today with 2 bags of Farmyard manure  ( bought prepacked).
The Sweetcorn was sown in seed trays then potted  on into 3" pots then into 6" pots, if the bed had not been ready in the next few days then they would have been repotted into even larger pots.My rule of thumb for repotting is, if any of the roots are visible through the end of the pot then it is time to move on as it holds back the plant.
Sweetcorn is recommended to be sown in a square formation to aid pollination. Ours are sown in a staggered rectangle which hopefully will work too!There is a fleece barrier around the bed as sweetcorn does not like wind and our new allotment is definitely windy, they got a good soaking with an organic seaweed feed and now we just wait!
The Pea & Courgette bed also got a makeover, it has been covered with fleece up to now so I think its time to harden them up a little.There is a pea support netting behind the row of peas, kind of hard to see here, they need horizontal as well as vertical support. The whole bed has been encased with netting to deter the rabbits, only one plant was nibbled down so far and we want to keep it that way.
The Courgettes are growing slowly, but I don't think we will be having a courgette glut anytime soon !
A panoramic view into the polytunnel, the sweetcorn bed, courgette bed and in the polytunnel itself there are lettuce and Spinach to the left. Tomato plants are still in pots on the right with sunflowers and pumpkins all in pots as yet.
 I removed the cover from the carrot bed temporarily to weed the bed.The beetroot is definitely well up and easy to see to weed but the carrots are almost invisible so far!
I was at Kilmallock mart & market yesterday and found a lady selling herbs and I was delighted to find she had Comfrey so I bought a plant off of her, she assured me it is not the one that takes over the garden!
The weather began beautiful and sunny this morning but a very heavy thunder shower changed that to dull and sporadic showers for the remainder of the day.


Betty said…
Your garden looks so nice. This year we cut back on what we grow. Just peppers, zucchini, and tomatoes.
Ann said…
It's all looking very organised and healthy Peggy, like a model garden! We managed to get everything in, just need decent weather now don't we.

Know what you mean about the hair colour, I had the same problem but gave up on the colouring. Now it's sunburn on the thinning part. Can't win can we. I'm going to do a post on hats soon.
Peggy said…
Betty, we can only grow what we can, those veg are nice summer staples that taste really good when fresh from your own garden.
Peggy said…
Ann, I gave up on colouring mine for about 2 years but started again when I decided I will never be old enough to be grey!
Matron said…
I'm about to sow my sweetcorn in modules in the greenhouse. What variety are you planting? I find the supersweet ones now are just tooooo sweet for my taste.
Peggy said…
Matron, I have grown Sundance since I began growing it and have found it nice to eat and easy to grow also

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