Optimistic Seed Sowing

Cauliflower & cabbage plants, these were bought and potted on into larger pots and will be repotted probably twice more before going out into their permanent plot.They have been netted against the birds which would love a taste of some nice green veg to vary their winter diet.
Our seed potatoes chitting in the shed, not a huge amount but space will be tight and it will be late by the time we get them in
 Our seed potatoes chitting in the shed, not a whole lot but we don't have a lot of space and it will be late by the time we get them in
 The rhubarb which I broke off  the big plants we had on the Hydro, I have one in the garden here which is growing fine these got 'a touch of frost' the other night and are looking a bit sorry for themselves
I set to on the seed box last night and discarded out of date seeds and opened packets.I had been tidying out one of the spare rooms and came across a gardening journal which I had started last year. I start one every year but then forget about it! I was amazed at the amount of seeds I had already sowed by this time of the year so we will have to get ourselves in gear pretty quickly!

I finished up with this nice tidy box! I sowed lettuce, crimson & white flowered broad beans, purple podded peas and blue sweet peas.They are all reposing on the 2 spare bedroom windowsills.
Today I sowed purple & white lisbon spring onions.I sowed them about 6 to a module and will pot them on  and plant them out like that. The idea being they grow in a bunch and you can pull a bunch at a time! We planted them like this for the past couple of years.
I also sowed 24 peat pots of Sweet Corn,I bought fresh seed which I do every year for sweetcorn. I should have taken pics of all of the above but have rather gotten out of the habit of whipping out the camera!

A makeshift greenhouse, someone gave me lots of plastic some time ago and I put it down in  the shed thinking it might come in handy some day.The hen house has been covered with it to keep some heat in for the 3 ladies these cold nights.I draped the rest over the onion seeds and the cabbage & cauliflower plants. Today was a lovely mild Spring day but they are forecasting more frost for tonight so better safe than sorry I just hope it s enough to protect them
My potter was brought in from the plot and is waiting poised for his new home to be ready on the new plot!


Kathleen said…
Have lots of packets of seed if you are passing by soon?
Otherwise will drop in letterbox!
Martin and Amy said…
You are way ahead of me so don't panic!!

Managed to make some showings today and my optimism has returned!!

Love the makeshift greenhouse! Very clever!!

Anonymous said…
looks like you've gotten things sorted...I believe your gardening goes on all year round...so you're always ready for what comes next

so happy the 3 feathered ladies are doing well!!
Ann said…
Hi Peggy, I just found your last comment on my blog, I'm sorry I didn't see it, comments aren't coming through for some reason.

Anyway, looks like big changes for you! I bet you were sad to leave your original allotment but it is much handier having one nearby, hope it all goes well for you.

It is still too cold here to do anything in the garden, it's only 3C now and it is mid morning. It is really getting on my nerves having such a long winter.
Edwin said…
Great green thumb you have there.. The last was so cool.

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