Fota Wildlife Park

We spent today visiting Fota Wildlife park, a fantastic amenity right on our doorsteps.
It is visited by tourists and locals in their thousands each year, there is the wildlife park which is charged for but the gardens of Fota House and the Arboretum are free to visit just pay a E3 parking charge on the way out.
The entrance has been completely revamped since I visited last and these lifelike Giraffes greet the visitors

The interior of the Orangery in the gardens has been restored, when I visited first this was almost derelict.

The restored orangery which you spy through the trees

The sunken Italian garden

In the wildlife park, we spotted this Peahen with her chick

The peacock preening himself, no babysitting for him!

Not an African skyline but Fota!There are Giraffe, zebra, and oryx here.

There are 2 seals ,this one was out sunning itself

The beautifully restored Palm Walk.

Why am I depressed?

'Cos he got the sweetcorn!
There are islands in the lake where all sorts of monkeys live, swinging on ropes and trees.

A lemur and the G'kids eyeballing each other

Lemurs are free to roam all over the park, and are quite used to being near people.

The Flamingoes which to my eye looked distinctly orange rather than pink!


Why is the tastiest piece always just out of reach?!
We spent hours between the wildlife park and the gardens and saw much more animals than I have space to put here, it is just to give a glimpse of Fota.
If you are ever near enough to visit it is definitely worth it, especially if you have only seen exotic animals in a Zoo, to see them walking around acres of grassland is special.


Merewether said…
Thanks for sharing! I like putting in all sorts of images on my blog even if it is a bit off topic sometimes - who cares what others think!
It is a window into what you have been up to!
Jo said…
Omw Peggy, that is a beautiful park. What a pleasure to view giraffe, zebra and buck in an English - should that read Irish? - setting. I love the lemurs. They're always tame as humans have encroached on their habitat in Madigascar. I loved the orangery. Everything is so clean and neat. Thanks for reading my garden post. Have a great week. Jo
Kathleen said…
Fota is looking very well indeed!Its been a while since I visited,must go again soon. Your sweet peas probably died of drought like mine usually do,if not watered regularly from day one.Mine were purchased at a sales table and were well established before I got my mitts on them so the only was was up after that!
Ann said…
What a beautiful place to visit, loved the orangery!

Just back from the Isle of Wight myself, it's strange not visiting our caravan this year.
PeggyR said…
Look slike a fun place! We are just plain to hot here to be outside. We will be near 100 degreesF tomorrow.
Kelli said…
Looks like a really good day out :)
Matron said…
I love the look on that monkey's face! What a lovely day out! I must put it on my long list of things to do next time I visit Ireland. xx
Anonymous said…
What an interesting place Peggy...I'd never seen a Pea cute! Looks a lovely place to go and spend some time looking and enjoying! Your grandkids are very precious!
4rx said…
what a stupendous park. I must say first time I went I was impressed with quality and huge variety of the place... and I'm still considerate it as one of greatest in the world.

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