Back Growing
I can’t believe it’s been nearly 4 years since I last uploaded a Blog post!
Blogger became more complicated, smartphones became the norm, Face Book became the media of choice to share news etc.
Son Billy had to travel more for work and also took up marathon running, 17 clocked up to date. It was usually late in the evening by the time I got to the allotment and between being ate by small flies and not liking being alone there I didn’t continue. I did garden at home but that was mainly flowers. I actually didn’t even think of the Blog for months, lately I have logged on and caught up on some blogs and am delighted to see some of the same familiar names.
This year I also felt the need to grow again, albeit in very small amounts just for myself and because my garden at home is not suitable for veggie growing I have utilized various sized bags and began my hashtag #backyardandbalconybags
The photo shows what is known as a Skippo bag for lifting waste etc. I used home made compost and set seed potatoes, a first early Red Duke of York. I have earthed them up with commercial compost as they grew and so far so good 😊
I have other bags with other veg but they are for another day