Getting to Grips with the new Plot

 Posts in position for the wire fencing because we have been told that rabbits are also a big problem up here!Billy dug a trench along the fence line to bury the end of the wire to stop said rabbits from tunneling underneath. Windbreaker was then added for extra protection for plants as it is a wide open field!

It is hard to see in this pic but the first permanent bed is in place across the back fence.
I slipped 4 raspberry canes, 3 stools of rhubarb and 1 Globe Artichoke from the plot in The Hydro Farm.
The shed has to be put into place this weekend before digging out the other beds ASAP!
Potatoes are still chitting in the shed.
Onions are waiting to go in.
Seedlings are backing up at home waiting to be hardened off
 Seeds planted today were Sugar Snap.These handy little seed trays had grapes in them, nice and high with air and drainage holes already in place and a  lid to act as an incubator

Two of them just fit nicely into another reusable item, an aluminium tray which also reflects light as well as being waterproof on the bedroom windowsill

Sweetcorn coming up nicely, sweetcorn and parsnips are the two seeds which I buy fresh each season.These are planted in peat pots to minimise root disturbance when planting out.

The Broad beans were transplanted from seed trays to 3" pots and are hardening off outside by day while the sunshine lasts but are covered with plastic at night because of the temp drop.Next to them are some Purple podded peas which have been transplanted from seed trays to cardboard  toilet rolls as peas have a long root system

Cauliflower and cabbage plants which were transplanted into large pots about 2 weeks ago but if they don't get out to the plot soon they will have to be repotted once again.Once plants start growing they need to be allowed to grow unhindered.

 The sun is shining today but there is still a very cold snap and young tender plants still need to be protected, better a few days late going out than getting frostbite!
The plan for the weekend is put up the shed and mark out the beds we need and begin to move plants out and finally get the spuds and onions in. It must be remembered Easter was very early this year and normally I would reckon Good Friday a good day to sow potatoes which would normally be another 2 weeks away, how's that for some Irish logic!

The weather has not been very helpful in helping us get the new plot up and running for the new season. the first task was to fence off the plot and put down the base for the shed which still has not been erected as I speak!
There has been some movement on the other plots but we have only actually spoken to one other person!


Kelli said…
It looks like your on track and have been working hard. Hope the weather hasn't slowed down progress too much.
Latane Barton said…
hello Peggy,
My but you are busy as always. I just wanted to stop by and say hello, think of you often and wonder what you are up to. Getting that garden ready, it looks like. Have a great weekend.
Peggy said…
we are not too far behind everyone else hopefully considering the weather, its been very cold,windy and sunny for the most part we have escaped the snow !
Peggy said…
Thanks for stopping by and thank you for thinking of me. I got really put off by Blogger problems and even now I am having trouble with posts, trying to get photos and texts to line up etc.I have started posts and actually given up!
We will be kept busy trying to get this garden in shape but onwards and upwards!
God Bless
Wow! You have been busy. I am sure you will be rewarded for all you preparation. Thanks for commenting on I will be following you too.
Anonymous said…
your new garden is looking're going to have to teach me how to network my blog on Facebook...Google is growing and changing their software...sort of like Facebook...could be the cause of some of your problems
PeggyR said…
Your garden is looking good. Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Matron said…
Wishing you good growing and good weather on your new plot. It must have been hard to leave the old allotment, it was a special place. Glad to see you have got going already. Finally Matron has been out and started the growing season. It has been a long old Winter.. finally over. xxx
Edwin said…
Your garden is looking good..
Anonymous said…
You have been busy. It's so exciting when you have a new plot isn't it. I notice the wind break, I take it you suffer a does it affect your plants?
Matron said…
Are you up and growing on your new plot Peggy? Looking forward to your updates.

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