Some Housekeeping


Firstly let me congratulate Matron for winning 4th prize for her Giant Pumpkin! First time entering a competition and winning a very decent prize indeed.Pop over and visit matron's blog to read all about it.

.Secondly, in relation to my recent problems with word verification and removing same from my blog....every day I have to delete comments from Spammers.They seem to just read the legend Word verification free blog and think they can leave weird comments advertising some really weird websites?! Wasting your time Spammers, all comments remain unpublished until I approve them! That is plain English and easily understood not like some of the archaic pidgin English I have come across in these comments.            Anyway....some short time spent on the allotment as it has gotten cold and wet again and the evenings have really drawn in early, the herbaceous bed is going to be just that, I redug it yet again and planted 6 off shoots of our Globe Artichokes along its length. Maybe a bit much but they may not all survive the winter and if they do then we can leave some go to seed for ornamentation. I put in about 2 dozen mixed daffodil bulbs and moved over a few of the miniature Dianthus.It makes a huge difference to this side of the plot as it was wild and overgrown

Our over wintering onions have put in an appearance, this is just one photographed through the netting keeping the birds/rabbits etc off. They grow a little and root before the weather gets really cold then the plan Spring as soon as the ground warms up they are already settled and make a spurt of growth before the Spring sown onions take off. I don't think they are meant for storing but to fill the gap until the main crop onions are ready.I have succumbed to the garlic bug again and purchased a couple of bulbs but the weather has changed now and I may not get them in, in time. Garlic needs a cold snap to grow but working in a cold snap is not my idea of fun!

 Some late colour on the allotment, not ours I must admit but they brighten up the place especially if any bit of sunshine breaks through.The last Rose of Summer!


Betty said…
I am so sorry to hear about the spammers. I hear that alot of the bloggers are having that problem and it does make you wonder if blogging is worth it. I love seeing pictures of your garden. We are having an early cold spell here in our part of the world. Love the yellow roses, just beautiful.
PeggyR said…
Sorry to hear about your spammers. I think our last couple of roses finished blooming. My mums are first coming out now.
Kelli said…
It's got a bit cooler and much less day light. Soon the clocks will be changing too. Hoping for a few more weeks of harvesting. P.S. Spammers are so annoying.
Matron said…
I hope your globe artichokes to well for you. I am always amazed at how hardy they seem to be. Striking grey foliage is lovely to look at.
Anonymous said…
excellent news about Matron and her pumpkin...will go there next. your allotment is looking good and you've gotten your start for next spring. so I did find you on Facebook...same profile photo here and I recognized your grandson's name. I figure the spammers are right around the corner from my blog...and I'll do what you've done, check posts before publishing. lovely visit :)
Peggy said…
Willow, I know I have read about them on other blogs but now I've been targeted, maybe they think I will get fed up of deleting them!We have an early cold spell too
Peggy said…
PeggyR, I see loads od #mums coming into the shops now for the Christmas market.
Peggy said…
Why I garden, Oh dont remind me of the clocks going back Kelli! Then really dark evenings!
Peggy said…
Matron, The foliage and the seed heads are a bonus to having the artichokes, even Aisling and young Kevin have taken a liking to them!Kevin will try anything if he knows it was grown on the allotment
Peggy said…
Theanne, yes matron really pulled itoff in her very first competition!Glad you found me on FB its great to keep up with the day to day events!Watch out for the Spammers you shoud definitely look at comment moderation.
I am so sorry you are having trouble with spammers...I haven't had a single errant post! Thank goodness we can check them before they are approved or deleted! Your roses are beautiful!
cathy@home said…
Such a long time since I was blogging and had time to visit your blog,I have started working more so less time on the computer.
I am slowly getting back into blogging.
As for Spammers very annoying.
Sue Garrett said…
I'm getting lots of spam too and I don't advertise a captcha free blog.

Like you very few ends up sneaking through the filtering process but it is a nuisance. I wonder if anyome actually visits links they leave on sites.

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