No Surplus Here!
I will start with the heart warming sight of the first decent harvest I brought home this year, it was over a week ago and we have now returned to wind and rain.
Kathryn is off work for a few days and has been pottering in the allotment, she sent me this pic today of the courgettes which look as if they are finally getting their act together.
The first of the trial tomatoes are just beginning to turn red. it may be unfair to judge them solely on performance this year but Kathryn picked the red one and was disappointed with the taste. It may very well be back to the old reliables next year.
We have 10 cauliflower plants and had all but given up on them and then discovered 8 of them are producing florets! yeah!!
The lettuce plants have been under plastic for weeks and put in a spurt of growth at last. I planted another lot of them to have a continuation of salads
The sweet corn have taken to allotment life with a flourish, these were kept in pots at home until nearly the end of June, I thought they had given up but when we planted them out I brought compost from home which had plenty of chicken manure and it seems to have done the trick.These pics were taken over a week ago when we had a few dry (ish) days hence the water hose.They have not needed any extra watering this week!
Strawberries continue to crop despite the weather even though a lot of them had mould I think it is botrytis a mould which affects soft fruits in the conditions we have been having.A lot of our raspberries suffered the same fate. Our fruit bed is going to get a complete overhaul once harvesting is finished as it is very crowded now.We started out with 4 raspberry canes, they have now almost taken over half the bed crowding in our blackcurrant and gooseberry bushes.